Backend Development Web Development

How to save and retrieve any level of nested categories in MySQL with Laravel and Eloquent?

In this post I wanted to share a simple solution to save any level of nested categories in a MySQL database table and retrieve them using Laravel Eloquent models and their relationships. This means that you’ll be able to store and retrieve any number of categories > subcategories > sub subcategories… (you get the idea) using one database table.

Frontend Development Web Development

Learning Angular: Part 2 (Data Binding, Template Syntax & Lifecycle Hooks)

Before you start reading the main content of this post I wanted to let you know that this is the second part of a posts’ series on learning Angular, so if you are coming directly to this post you might want to check the first part where I cover some of the Angular basic concepts.

In this post I’ll cover some concepts that will help you use the properties and methods from your components classes in your components templates and also I’ll show you how to hook into different moments of the lifecycle of a component.

Frontend Development Mobile Applications Development

How to migrate Ionic 3 apps from Google Analytics to Firebase Analytics

In case you haven’t received or read the email from Google stating that the Google Analytics for mobile apps SDKs will not continue tracking data in October 31, 2019 I want to inform you that this change from Google will force you to update your apps if you use Google Analytics for mobile apps SDKs in order to continue tracking data for your apps (Android & iOS).

Frontend Development Web Development

Learning Angular: Part 1 (Components, Routing, Directives & Services)

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source frontend framework created at Google. It facilitates the creation of Single Page Applications (SPA) through its many of functionalities and concepts.

An important note to know is that “Angular” is a totally different framework from “Angular.js”. While Angular.js refers to the version 1.x of the framework, Angular is a complete rewrite of the framework starting in version 2.x and currently going at version 8.x.

Frontend Development Web Development

What is TypeScript and why should I learn it?

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript developed and maintained as open source software by Microsoft. What superset means, more simply, is additional syntax and functionalities added on top of JavaScript.

Frontend Development Web Development

A guide on ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) onwards

Before you stop reading this post because the title says 2015 I wanted to let you know that this guide starts on new features implemented in ECMAScript 2015 because this version was a big step from the previous one (ECMAScript 2009) Also new features implemented in ES2015 are the standard used in current technology and new versions of the standard are develop based on ECMAScript 2015. In any case I’m always trying to keep the guide updated with new features implemented in most recent versions.


How to prevent your GSuite outgoing emails from going into the recipients spam folder

In case you haven’t notice some of the emails you are sending through your GSuite email account, specially the ones that contains attachments files, are going directly into your recipients’ spam folder and this might be because of Google recent changes on using AI in Gmail to help prevent spam.

We all know this is something really bad because if a message goes to the spam folder it could prevent your message from being read by the recipients.

Although this sounds really bad there is a simple solution we can do to help this preventing from happening but you need to have permissions to access to the GSuite administration panel (If you don’t have access at least you can send this post to the person in charge and you’ll still be the hero)